Lights, Camera, Passion!

Early this morning we unloaded three car loads worth of gear into an empty ballroom at the Central Florida Zoo. Then as we erected the set which essentially consisted of a black backdrop & a chuck of chain link fence, sexy vampires, hungry zombies,& wicked witches began to arrive in droves. The ballroom was a buzz with activity as we cranked up the fogger & got the camera rolling!

Today's on set experience rekindled my desire for why I got into filmmaking in the first place thus I've set high hopes for the HorrorscapeS series. 

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Comcast OnDemand!  has approached Michael Speigner of Speigner Point of View Concepts about producing a Halloween themed screensaver for the network. Partnering with Director of Photography, Jeremiah Baumbach they plan to produce the first edition of HorrorscapeS this fall.